Ozone Laundry Systems - Official Ozone

Technology Ozone Laundry Systems Technology Comparisons

All processes are not created equal! Just because you've made Ozone, doesn't mean you'll get enough into the water and in contact with your linens to do any good. So ... how do you get Ozone into your water? 

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Ozone Laundry Systems

Ozone Laundry

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What is Ozone?
Ozone is oxygen (O2) with an extra atom of oxygen attached, thus forming O3. Ozone is formed naturally during a lightning storm. The creation of ozone is nature’s way of purifying the atmosphere, and is what gives clothesline dried linen that ‘‘fresh air’’ smell.

Does Ozone Kill Bugs?
Ozone is an extremely effective sanitizing and disinfecting agent. In fact, ozone kills bacteria faster than chlorine.

How Does Ozone Work?
Ozone carries an electrical and chemical charge in the washing solution, which actually starts to dissolve soil on contact. This process activates the chemicals in cold water instead of using hot water at 140-160 degrees. Sanitizing of your linen is equal to standard laundry procedures.

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OLS Laundry Systems

Ozone Laundry Systems Design vs Others
OLS vs Other Ozone Companies

Ozone Laundry Systems

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OLS Machines

View our Products:
Complete Ozone Textile Systems

  • Clear Backflow Preventor/Check Valve
  • OLS Ozone Technologies - Air or Water-cooled 
    Ozone Generator
  • OLS - Oxygen Concentrator
  • OLS - Venturi Injector
  • Stainless Steel Liquid-filled


  • View Pictures of our Tunnel Washer Projects: Mission Industries, Hawaiian Linen Supply, Marriott, Desert Springs, Caesar Entertainment, North Mississippi Medical Center.
    Ozone is an extremely effective sanitizing and disinfecting agent. In fact, ozone kills bacteria faster than chlorine.


View our OLS Brochures: Ozone Laundry Systems utilize an extra large ozone-resistant water valve to fill your washers. These valves work separately from your existing fill valves, and in most cases will fill your washers in half the normal fill time. This saves you time, which in turn saves you money!