Ozone Laundry Systems - Official Ozone

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Our wet ozone washing machines give you several advantages over standard laundry practices. Ozone washing increases textile life, reduces natural gas and energy costs, faster fill rates, shorter wash cycles and even shorter drying times. Whiter, softer, sanitized, fresh smelling and longer lasting linens and clothes results in huge savings!

Ozone Laundry Systems

Ozone Laundry

Savings & Benefits

Get the most out of your Laundry Systems with Savings & Benefits  More

Saftety Read the Ozone Safety guidelines for Ozone in the workplace. Get the Safety Facts  More

Technology OLS uses Ozone Technology to use in your Laundry Systems  More


Note: Detailed savings numbers are available - please contact us

Savings & Benefits

Savings and Benefits using Ozone Laundry Systems Equipment

The system in action: Ozone Laundry Systems inject appropriate levels of ozone into cold water throughout the wash process. Ozone reacts quickly by dividing organic molecules in the water and causing soils to separate from fabric and disintegrate. The oxidization power of ozone then sterilizes and deodorizes more effectively, less expensively and more reliably than other current methods. Ozone then reverts back to its oxygen form, leaving no chemical residual.

The results:

  • Whiter, fluffier linens that smell clothesline dried: The evidence is definitely in the look, feel and smell. While providing superior cleaning power, Ozone Laundry Systems prevent residue buildup in the weaver of the cloth, leaving fibers naturally soft and resilient.
  • Reduced energy costs: The Ozone process reduces laundry operation's hot water usage from 70 to 100 percent, a significant savings in electricty and natural gas consumption.
  • Lower water and sewer costs: The fewer washes and rinses facilitated by the Ozone system equate to a 20 to 40 percent savings in water and sewer costs.
  • Reduces labor intensity: A shorter wash cycle means less time devoted to laundry, resulting in reduced labor costs or increased productivity through reassignment of employees. Implementation of the Ozone system also eliminates employee complaints of skin rashes, cracking, dryness and insensitivity caused by harsh soaps, chlorine bleaches and cleaning agents.
  • Superior oxidizing and sterilizing agent: Throughout Ozone wash cycles, ozone destroys viruses, eradicates odors and removes soil. It is highly reactive and requires minimal contact time to disinfect. It is safer than many chemicals used in commercial laundry.
  • Environmentally friendly: Ozone laundry systems conserve water and energy and use environmentally friendly chemicals, greatly contributing to the protection of the environment. Since ozone destroys itself within the system, it presents no burden or threat to the wastewater system.
  • Extended linen life: With wash cycles up to 40 percent shorter in duration and drying time cut down by 20 percent due to improved extraction, linens processed with Ozone laundry systems look better and last longer. The system uses cold temperatures, avoiding fabric shrinkage, aging and deterioration caused by hot water washing.

Savings & Benefits

The system in action: Ozone Laundry Systems inject appropriate levels of ozone into cold water throughout the wash process. Ozone reacts quickly by dividing organic molecules in the water and causing soils to separate from fabric and disintegrate. The oxidization power of ozone then sterilizes and deodorizes more effectively, less expensively and more reliably than other current methods. Ozone then reverts back to its oxygen form, leaving no chemical residual.


  • OSHA guidelines for O3 in the workplace are based on time-weighted averages. Ozone levels should never exceed the following average: 0.10 ppm (parts per million) for 8 hours per day exposure. The OSHA website cites several ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists) guidelines for ozone in the workplace:
    0.2 ppm for no more than 2 hours exposure
    0.1 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing light work
    0.08 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing moderate work
    0.05 ppm for 8 hours per day exposure doing heavy work


OLS only hires dissolved ozone gas in microscopic bubble size. Un-dissolved or gas phase ozone has unpredictable reaction rates, creates safety risks, can potentially damage linen or equipment and can’t be sent to a job site in measurable fashion. In short, OLS considers gas phase ozone to be uncontrollable thugs capable of doing more harm than good in a laundry. OLS shows gas phase ozone no mercy. If you aren’t dissolved in the water in micro-bubble form, you are stripped from the water and sent mercilessly to an ozone destroyer. Click here to read our story as told by our own OZzy Ozone.